Dear Angela,
I've just returned from the Melbourne Concert Hall tonight and want to say how much pleasure both my Mother and I derived from your captivating performance. I've never heard Bach played with such clarity , yet there was so much feeling and expression in the playing. I particularly loved the cadenza in the Brandenburg 5th. Both slow movements in the concerti were most captivating and food for the soul.. Thankyou. I'll certainly be adding you to my CD collection. Yours Sincerely
Michael Dawe, Melbourne, VIC. Aust.
Ms Hewitt I am just listening to you being interviewed by Andrew Ford on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Music Show. You have just played a marvellous bit of Bach and will end with Chopin. Your interview demonstrated a profound grasp of the musicality of both composers. I'm not a pianist-but a guitarist. Fortunately,Bach transfers well to the guitar & even some Chopin! So I have pleasure in playing both these composers. Is there something in the waters in Canada that produces such fine Bach players! I have relatives in both Toronto and Vancouver. I sadly lost an uncle who was an emeritus professor at UBC. He taught me the love of the guitar (and music) and i have fond memories of playing a Bach prelude with him. You have a great gift. Mr Gould would be envious!
david james baird
Melbourne-based freelance entertainment reporter,
Hi Angela,
It seems a world away when I worked with your brother John at Campbell Printing in Ottawa and people were talking about John's sister Angela who was an amazing musician! That would have been around 1982/83. Well I guess the rumours were right - you have an amazing talent (to go with all the hard work I'm sure) and thanks for sharing it with us! Will listen to the live feed from Adelaide but will be away when you visit the most amazing City in Australia - Perth. Hope you enjoy it!
Kind regards, Chris
Hello Angela,
I was driving home this evening from a country trip in NSW (Australia), and could not believe my luck in hearing a broadcast of an interview with you on ABC Classic FM. I also could not wait to get home and view your new website!
The website is exactly what I expected and hoped for. Very professional, yet unobtrusive and befitting of a magnificent artist. I have a now ten year old tape recording of you performing some of the Granados works, and this has remained an absolute favourite of mine. I hope to replace it with a CD version plus many others.
I love your first car (the Renault) - we are French car enthusiasts here also. All the best on your Australian tour - it is no wonder that it is a sell out!
Good Luck,
Fabulous! Have read through everything and loved the photos and your remarks.
Best website I've visited. Have a great tour, looking forward to seeing you back here in March. AND are we excited about your Festival? Can't wait!
Love from us both, Marion and Robertx
Michael (over the road) told me of your website today. Do you remember Don "aux cheveux blancs" who has been coming to your recitals with Michael and Sue over the past few years? I look forward to your next venture into Northern England - meanwhile all the best for your FESTIVAL and your website.
Dear Angela, Your friend William in Ottawa has been corresponding with me about Chabrier. I gather you have had great difficulties in obtaining my friend and colleague, Roy Howat's recording which are associated with his edition of piano music. I have sent Roy an email asking him to send a CD to your agent. I look forward to attending your ACO concert on 15 February at the Adelaide Town Hall. One of my favourite recordings I have of you is of the Granados Spanish Dances. It is one of three I have, one with little Alicia and the other, the eccentric Granados piano rolls.
Hope you have a great time in Australia with the ACO and time to enjoy the food, wine and the scenic countryside.
I was listening to Couperin 2 and longing to hear Couperin 3 when I searched the internet and found your new website. Will there be a Couperin 3? What other new recordings are in the works? Thanks, Steve Morrow in Doylestown, PA, USA
Congratulations - an outstanding web-site. Good luck for the busy months ahead.
Colin Platten
Classical Artists
Angela, it feels so funny to be writing this when you're playing in the next room...but just wanted to say the website is gorgeous and it's a real pleasure having you back with us. Can't wait for Monday night...
All the best for a great tour,